Anne Turner Memorial Allotments - North Ferriby

Hello, and welcome to the North Ferriby, Anne Turner Memorial Allotment website.

Please feel free to look around, and we hope you find this site useful if you are an existing Allotment plot holder, someone interested in applying for a plot, or someone just browsing our site. If you like what you see, or just want to find out more about the allotments, then please feel free to contact us for any further information.


Allotments are a great hobby for those with a passion for gardening and growing homegrown fruit, flowers, herbs, and vegetables. They’re cheap, and a great way to get fresh air, keep fit and active and meet new people. We are friendly and family orientated and welcome all ages and gardening abilities.

In this about section you can find some general information about: The AllotmentsAnne Turner and the Turner FamilyNorth Ferriby, and the building of this website.